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跳進 Color Block Jam,這遊戲就是要動腦筋跟玩色彩繽紛的樂趣,你知道的?掌握滑動方塊來開門,打敗那些棘手的關卡。有了更新跟超棒的社群,對大家來說都是無盡的樂趣啦,齁?


Color Block Jam 熱門解決方案,對不對?

發現 Color Block Jam 的最佳解決方案,真的啦

color block jam 338 Walkthrough Guides

color block jam 340 Walkthrough Guides

color block jam 348 Walkthrough Guides

color block jam 350 Walkthrough Guides

玩家喜歡 Color Block Jam 的原因,對不對?

找出 Color Block Jam 成為大家完美益智遊戲的原因,你知道的?



Color Block Jam 有讓人上癮的益智體驗,你要把彩色方塊滑到相符的門。掌握策略,然後一直回來挑戰,齁?



在 iOS 跟 Android 免費下載享受 Color Block Jam。不用花錢就能完整存取,想要額外功能也可以啦,齁?



Color Block Jam 獨特的滑動系統為益智遊戲增加深度。在超多關卡中磨練你的方塊移動技巧,齁?



沉浸在 Color Block Jam 鮮明的視覺效果中,裡面有彩色方塊跟門。流暢的動畫跟超棒的畫面適合所有人啦,齁?



挑戰 Color Block Jam 的關卡,隨著你的進度變得越來越難。用定期更新來考驗你的智慧,齁?



參加 Color Block Jam 的限時挑戰,像是「峽谷追逐」,來贏得獎勵並競爭,老兄?



隨時隨地離線享受 Color Block Jam。主要遊戲不需要網路,超適合在路上玩,齁?



Color Block Jam 適合所有人,裡面結合了樂趣跟學習。培養你的問題解決能力,然後玩得開心,齁?

下載 Color Block Jam 手機應用程式,對不對?

在你最愛的平台上開始玩 Color Block Jam,你知道的?

Color Block Jam for iOS,對不對?

在 App Store 下載,對不對?

Color Block Jam for Android,對不對?

在 Google Play 取得,齁?

Color Block Jam Player Reviews & Ratings

See what our community says about their Color Block Jam puzzle-solving experience

Bri215t Review of Color Block Jam02/13/2025

Engaging Puzzle Experience

I really enjoy Color Block Jam, I like that it's a challenge and sometimes takes more then one life to beat the level. I'm nearing the 500 mark.. The ads just changed drastically. They use to consist of ones that you can skip after 5-10 Seconds. This most recent wave of ads are a solid minute. If this doesn't change I'm going to stop playing the game and move to another game. I don't mind a 30 second ad if I'm gaining an extra life. It just to get to the next level. This is insane amounts of time.

Sharkbait69 Review of Color Block Jam02/02/2025

Addictive Gameplay

This game is so fun and addictive, now I will say I'm usually the type to ignore all the power ups but I must say this game is so addictive to the point on some levels I'll use them to save time. Something's about the game could be changed or added, such as the fact of when I use the power ups (they aren't required to pass a level to make that clear they are very do-able it's a skill issue) if when I use them I wish the timer were to freeze as I can't control the animation time on the object, some things to add would be more player to player challenges with prizes and adding a customs shop where I can actually spend the coins I earn on something else than a second chance at a level, like if I could use them on different block skins or to buy power ups and more levels could be nice I've heard other people complain about it haven't gotten to repeated levels yet but I hope they fix it because others seem to find it boring after that, over all this is a really really good game.

YoUrMuM0126 Review of Color Block Jam02/12/2025

Strategic Puzzle Solving

I really liked this game when I got an ad for it with a sample game however the ad didn't come with a timer. When playing levels it's fun but for me personally the rush saps some of the fun of actually solving the puzzle when I'm focused on beating the time more than enjoying the puzzle. Especially if it IS solved and the time runs out while I'm mid removing the last block. I'm here for puzzles, not a race. I wish there was an option to remove the timer, that would make the game perfect for me. The timer is the only gripe I really have with it, I wish I could savor the puzzles.

TortangBalong Review of Color Block Jam02/19/2025

Challenging Mechanics

I love this game - it's challenging, has a variety of mechanics, I like the extra challenge of the canyon, there's a lot going on here I really like. But one issue is if you get stuck after using all your coins and gadgets (I refuse to use anything other than the clock freeze to personally challenge myself), that's kind of it for you until you can get lucky with the limited lives you have. If there was a daily login bonus, other modes, etc. to get more coins and gadgets (I can't even watch an ad for more coins), that would be great.

NataliePortmanteau Review of Color Block Jam01/09/2025

Innovative Block Puzzle

Like the title says, this is ALMOST the perfect game. The concept is great, the shredding of the blocks is very satisfying, I would literally play this for hours except for the fact that every single level is timed. All of them. Most of them you are not given enough time by far, which is only complicated later when you start getting things like time bomb pieces thrown at you. It really gets irritating when you're immersed in the puzzle and right when you're on the verge of figuring it out the timer dies and you have to start from square one. This plus the limited lives means I stop playing after 10-15 minutes instead of the hours that I want to spend on it.

bilhugs Review of Color Block Jam02/04/2025

Thoughtful Feedback

Dear developers, You should offer a different mode that can be played without the timer. I love this game. But I hate playing it because it gives me anxiety when I have to scramble to beat the timer and panic when I'm not going to make it. I know that it's the timer that makes people fail and therefore drives the motivation to pay for all the micro transactions. But if you offered an unlockable 'casual' mode for a charge, I would pay for it. I resent paying real money for fake money so I can have ten more seconds just once. That's insane to me. But I don't mind paying for a game if I get to play it over and over again. I will usually pay a one time charge for no ads if it's not too high a price. But I absolutely hate paying for subscriptions and in-game currency.

關於 Color Block Jam 的常見問題,對不對?

找到關於 Color Block Jam 遊戲玩法、功能等等的常見問題解答,齁?

Color Block Jam 是什麼,對不對?

Color Block Jam 是一款讓人上癮的益智遊戲,你要把彩色方塊滑到相符的門來過關。這遊戲很好玩,而且會考驗你的策略技巧,齁?

誰開發了 Color Block Jam,對不對?

Color Block Jam 是一個遊戲開發團隊做的,他們想要為大家打造獨特的益智體驗,齁?

Color Block Jam 適合所有年齡層嗎,對不對?

沒錯,Color Block Jam 適合所有人。這遊戲很適合小朋友學習解決問題,也很適合大人享受挑戰,齁?

我在哪裡可以下載 Color Block Jam,對不對?

你可以在 iOS 的 App Store 跟 Android 的 Google Play Store 免費下載 Color Block Jam。只要搜尋「Color Block Jam」然後點擊下載,齁?

Color Block Jam 的系統需求是什麼,對不對?

Color Block Jam 在大部分新的 iOS 跟 Android 裝置上都能流暢運行。為了獲得最佳體驗,請保持你的作業系統更新,齁?

我要怎麼玩 Color Block Jam,對不對?

在 Color Block Jam 裡,你要把彩色方塊滑到相符的門。點擊並拖曳來移動它們。規劃你的移動來避開障礙,然後讓所有方塊都到它們的門,齁?

Color Block Jam 裡面有沒有特別的方塊或強化道具,對不對?

有啦,Color Block Jam 有特別的方塊跟強化道具來幫助你。像是可以穿過其他方塊或改變顏色的方塊。好好利用它們,齁? 是一個由 Color Block Jam 愛好者建立的非官方網站,與官方遊戲無關。
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