Color Block Jam Razine Rješenja i Vodiči, jel'? Ažuriranja u stvarnom vremenu, naravno!
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Uroni u Color Block Jam, gdje se radi o strateškom razmišljanju i šarenom zabavnom, kužiš? Savladaj klizanje blokova da otvoriš vrata i pobijediš te zeznute razine. S ažuriranjima i super zajednicom, to je beskrajna zabava za sve, jel'?
Popularna rješenja za Color Block Jam, jel'?
Otkrij najbolja rješenja za Color Block Jam, stvarno
color block jam 338 Walkthrough Guides
color block jam 340 Walkthrough Guides
color block jam 348 Walkthrough Guides
color block jam 350 Walkthrough Guides
Zašto Igrači Vole Color Block Jam, jel'?
Saznaj što čini Color Block Jam savršenom puzzle igrom za sve, jel'?
Zanimljiv Puzzle Gameplay, jel'?
Color Block Jam ima zarazno puzzle iskustvo gdje kliziš šarene blokove do odgovarajućih vrata. Savladaj strategiju i nastavi se vraćati po još, jel'?
Besplatno za Igranje, jel'?
Preuzmi i uživaj u Color Block Jam besplatno na iOS i Android. Potpuni pristup bez trošenja, s dodacima ako želiš, jel'?
Inovativna Mehanika Klizanja, jel'?
Color Block Jam jedinstveni sustav klizanja dodaje dubinu puzzle igrama. Usavrši svoje pokrete blokova kroz hrpe razina, jel'?
Živopisan Dizajn, jel'?
Uroni u svijetle vizuale Color Block Jam s šarenim blokovima i vratima. Glatke animacije i odlična grafika za sve, jel'?
Progresivni Izazovi, jel'?
Prihvati razine Color Block Jam, koje postaju teže kako napreduješ. Testiraj svoju pamet s redovitim ažuriranjima, jel'?
Posebni Događaji, jel'?
Pridruži se Color Block Jam vremenski ograničenim izazovima kao što je 'Canyon Chase' za nagrade i za natjecanje, jel'?
Igraj Bilo Gdje, jel'?
Uživaj u Color Block Jam offline bilo kad. Internet nije potreban za glavnu igru, savršeno za u pokretu, jel'?
Obiteljski Prijateljski, jel'?
Color Block Jam je za sve, s zabavom i učenjem pomiješanim. Izgradi svoje vještine rješavanja problema i zabavi se, jel'?
Preuzmi Color Block Jam Mobilnu Aplikaciju, jel'?
Započni s Color Block Jam na svojoj omiljenoj platformi, jel'?
Color Block Jam za iOS, jel'?
Preuzmi na App Store, jel'?Color Block Jam za Android, jel'?
Nabavi na Google Play, jel'?Color Block Jam Player Reviews & Ratings
See what our community says about their Color Block Jam puzzle-solving experience
Engaging Puzzle Experience
I really enjoy Color Block Jam, I like that it's a challenge and sometimes takes more then one life to beat the level. I'm nearing the 500 mark.. The ads just changed drastically. They use to consist of ones that you can skip after 5-10 Seconds. This most recent wave of ads are a solid minute. If this doesn't change I'm going to stop playing the game and move to another game. I don't mind a 30 second ad if I'm gaining an extra life. It just to get to the next level. This is insane amounts of time.
Addictive Gameplay
This game is so fun and addictive, now I will say I'm usually the type to ignore all the power ups but I must say this game is so addictive to the point on some levels I'll use them to save time. Something's about the game could be changed or added, such as the fact of when I use the power ups (they aren't required to pass a level to make that clear they are very do-able it's a skill issue) if when I use them I wish the timer were to freeze as I can't control the animation time on the object, some things to add would be more player to player challenges with prizes and adding a customs shop where I can actually spend the coins I earn on something else than a second chance at a level, like if I could use them on different block skins or to buy power ups and more levels could be nice I've heard other people complain about it haven't gotten to repeated levels yet but I hope they fix it because others seem to find it boring after that, over all this is a really really good game.
Strategic Puzzle Solving
I really liked this game when I got an ad for it with a sample game however the ad didn't come with a timer. When playing levels it's fun but for me personally the rush saps some of the fun of actually solving the puzzle when I'm focused on beating the time more than enjoying the puzzle. Especially if it IS solved and the time runs out while I'm mid removing the last block. I'm here for puzzles, not a race. I wish there was an option to remove the timer, that would make the game perfect for me. The timer is the only gripe I really have with it, I wish I could savor the puzzles.
Challenging Mechanics
I love this game - it's challenging, has a variety of mechanics, I like the extra challenge of the canyon, there's a lot going on here I really like. But one issue is if you get stuck after using all your coins and gadgets (I refuse to use anything other than the clock freeze to personally challenge myself), that's kind of it for you until you can get lucky with the limited lives you have. If there was a daily login bonus, other modes, etc. to get more coins and gadgets (I can't even watch an ad for more coins), that would be great.
Innovative Block Puzzle
Like the title says, this is ALMOST the perfect game. The concept is great, the shredding of the blocks is very satisfying, I would literally play this for hours except for the fact that every single level is timed. All of them. Most of them you are not given enough time by far, which is only complicated later when you start getting things like time bomb pieces thrown at you. It really gets irritating when you're immersed in the puzzle and right when you're on the verge of figuring it out the timer dies and you have to start from square one. This plus the limited lives means I stop playing after 10-15 minutes instead of the hours that I want to spend on it.
Thoughtful Feedback
Dear developers, You should offer a different mode that can be played without the timer. I love this game. But I hate playing it because it gives me anxiety when I have to scramble to beat the timer and panic when I'm not going to make it. I know that it's the timer that makes people fail and therefore drives the motivation to pay for all the micro transactions. But if you offered an unlockable 'casual' mode for a charge, I would pay for it. I resent paying real money for fake money so I can have ten more seconds just once. That's insane to me. But I don't mind paying for a game if I get to play it over and over again. I will usually pay a one time charge for no ads if it's not too high a price. But I absolutely hate paying for subscriptions and in-game currency.
Često Postavljana Pitanja O Color Block Jam, jel'?
Pronađi odgovore na uobičajena pitanja o Color Block Jam gameplayu, značajkama i više, jel'?
Što je Color Block Jam, jel'?
Color Block Jam je zarazna puzzle igra gdje kliziš šarene blokove u odgovarajuća vrata da pobijediš svaku razinu. Zabavno je i testira tvoje strateške vještine, jel'?
Tko je razvio Color Block Jam, jel'?
Color Block Jam je napravio tim programera igara koji su htjeli napraviti jedinstveno puzzle iskustvo za sve, jel'?
Je li Color Block Jam prikladan za sve uzraste, jel'?
Da, Color Block Jam je za sve. Odlično je za djecu da nauče rješavanje problema i za odrasle da uživaju u izazovu, jel'?
Gdje mogu preuzeti Color Block Jam, jel'?
Možeš preuzeti Color Block Jam besplatno s App Store na iOS i Google Play Store na Androidu. Samo potraži "Color Block Jam" i klikni preuzmi, jel'?
Koji su sistemski zahtjevi za Color Block Jam, jel'?
Color Block Jam radi glatko na većini novih iOS i Android uređaja. Za najbolje iskustvo, održavaj svoj OS ažuriranim, jel'?
Kako se igra Color Block Jam, jel'?
U Color Block Jam kliziš šarene blokove u odgovarajuća vrata. Dodirni i povuci da ih pomakneš. Planiraj svoje poteze da izbjegneš prepreke i dovedeš sve blokove do njihovih vrata, jel'?
Ima li posebnih blokova ili pojačanja u Color Block Jam, jel'?
Da, Color Block Jam ima posebne blokove i pojačanja da ti pomogne. Kao blokovi koji se kreću kroz druge ili mijenjaju boju. Koristi ih mudro, jel'?